
    Color table converter

    • Do you receive files from multiple sources?
    • Are they source files with color codes that differ from your own?
    • Do you have to check color tables and recolor data sets?
    • Do you decide not to automate because of the conversion effort?
    Your benefits:
    • Automated recoloring of STEP or IGES data to your standard color table
    • Create conversion templates for your regular customers
    • Can be used immediately on receipt
    • No configuration necessary
    • No license required
    • 7-day trial period
    Available as a Windows App (portable)

    One-time price - €1,990
    Please note that users are not entitled to maintenance or updates for this tool.
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    Are you interested in the color table converter?

    Please use our inquiry form.

    I'll get back to you as soon as I receive your inquiry.
    Please contact me directly by telephone with any questions.

    Jens Lüdtke

    Head of Tebis Consulting
    Phone: +49/7161/91956-1410